Professional Dispute Resolution Services

This process combines both fact-finding and mediation and usually results in recommendations by the ombuds person to the client.  The ombuds person provides a confidential, neutral and informal process which facilitates fair and equitable resolution to concerns or complaints.


Ombuds services are really a combination of the two other forms of alternative dispute resolution processes—mediation and fact-finding.  It is more informal and usually seeks to arrive at a satisfactory solution for all those involved or having a stake in the outcome.  All Ms. McSweyn’s ombuds work has been for bay area colleges and universities who do not have an internal ombuds professional and for skilled nursing homes and residential care facilities for the elderly in San Francisco.

Ombuds Services

Mediation is an informal process where a neutral and independent professional helps individuals achieve an agreement involving a mutual conflict.  It is a confidential and voluntary process.


Ms. McSweyn has mediated over 400 cases, many of which were in various stages of litigation.  The majority of the cases she mediates are in the areas of discriminiation, employment, workplace issues, insurance and elder rights.


This is a process where a neutral third party investigates a matter presented in order to arrive at an independent, unbiased conclusion, thus allowing the client to base further actions upon the facts presented by the neutral.  After the relevant facts are discovered, a report is customarily prepared that outlines the facts and conclusions on the issue presented.


Ms. McSweyn has conducted over 200 investigations involving complaints against corporations or its management, public officials, university administrators or other employees.  These investigations are always sensitive on many levels, including time, and all have related to broad workplace issues.  In addition, she has conducted Title IX investigations for colleges and universities involving student complaints.

Fact Finding

Conflict Resolution Service

Workplace Investigations and Mediations